You can switch your brain off and let muscle memory take over, occasionally grabbing breaks to play with the silly physics or look up at a sunset. Shields and polearms for the townsfolk, you’ll memorize the recipes in My Little Blacksmith Shop and set up a systematic production line in which no time is wasted. It all happens without me having to think. A mere 30 seconds after they arrived, my first customer of the day is walking out satisfied, and my coffers are 100 coins heavier.

When it hisses I fling it onto the workbench, where it merges with the handle I’ve already laid out. I kick into action, flicking two red-hot ingots onto the anvil, whacking them the exact number of times I need to get a split blade-my preferred style-before dropping it in oil to cool it down. The copper ingots are already heating on the forge. They’re after a one-handed copper sword, and they’ve come to the right place. An adventurer with a pink shirt and luminous green beard stepsĪn adventurer with a pink shirt and luminous green beard steps over the threshold. I was really excited to see this come out on steam its such a great game. Currently there is no difference between quality 1 and quality 9 million, but i hope it will matter in the future, played this game on Itch.io (bought 2 + years ago) and LOVED it from the very beginning. There is just something so satisfying about making a cool looking weapon or tool, enchant it and selling it to adventurers. The game delivers on the description so if you think you’ll like it, you probably will. I’m 8 hours in and still enjoying the game play, which is really good for the price tag. It also took some figuring at the beginning since there isn’t much in the way of tutorial (IE click your sign to open shop) but you can figure most of it out as you go or check the internet.
Continue running around the edges of the arena and shoot her until her health bar depletes.My Little Blacksmith Shop Free Download Repacklab She has an ability to pull you in and deal damage if you’re close enough, but staying far away from her negates it. The best way to deal with Zomboss is to keep your distance from her. Zomboss will appear for the final time and possess another body, triggering a boss battle. Zomboss Boss Fightīefore dropping down the hole, consider selling your weapons or restocking on ammo if needed. You can easily move past them by jumping over. Clear the area of enemies and head up the stairs to follow the quest marker. Break the wooden planks blocking the entrance to the next area by either meleeing it or blowing it up with the barrel. Push forward through the cave but watch out for the traps. Place the Tome of Fate on the pedestal to read the Fatemaker’s Creed out loud, revealing a h idden staircase that will lead you below the ruins. This will bring you back to the entrance of the ruin. Go left and pull the skeleton lever to open the gate. To not get caught off guard, shoot each chest to make sure they're safe before opening them.

Mimics can disguise themselves in the form of weapons chests. Kill her again to open the gate to the next area. Zomboss will appear yet again as you reach the end of Bone Grove and enter the building. The gate at the back of the mausoleum will then open.Įnter Bone Grove and continue following the path to make your way to the Sword of Souls, clearing the area of enemies along the way. After grabbing the spells, the spirit of Zomboss will mock you again, telling you that she’ll get to the Sword of Souls before you. Since Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is pure RNG, figure out which spell is best for you by comparing the stats of each spell. Inside the chest, you’ll find a few dark magic spells that you can equip. Head into the mausoleum and loot the chest inside.

Kill her again along with the rest of the enemies. As you reach the end of the graveyard, Zomboss will appear again, taking over another body. Zomboss will leave you and find another body, and the gate will open, allowing you to enter.Ĭontinue through the graveyard and kill the skeletons that spawn in the area. Unfortunately for you, she’s a spirit that can possess bodies. After her dialogue ends, shoot her and she’ll go down. Head to the closed gate and Zomboss will appear. Upon entering, you’ll need to push through areas of enemies to retrieve the Sword of Souls. Head into Chestnut Grove and back into the Overworld to make your way to Shattergrave Barrow.įollow the quest marker to find your way to Shattergrave Barrow. Follow Butt Stallion as she gallops her way through the streets of Brighthoof. Approach Butt Stallion and she’ll tell you to retrieve the Sword of Souls in order to put an end to the Dragon Lord. Head towards the castle gate to trigger a cutscene, where Tiny Tina will introduce Queen Butt Stallion.